Albeit fleetingly the council reshuffle peeped into the City Council which will continue today after the suspension caused yesterday by the lack of quorum during the session. First skirmishes of that political confrontation that will probably ignite when the mayor Nicola Fiorita formalizes the changes to his council, just over a year after taking office. The nature of the government coalition after the reshuffle, a question raised by the commissioner Aldo Casalinuovo in his note yesterday, it was among the topics that the opposition forces raised during the various speeches. The councilor introduced the theme Antonello Talerico who defines Casalinuovo’s intervention as “anomalous” and does not share the scenario of political distortion proposed by the commissioner.
Opposition advisor Alessandra Lobello speaks of a “surreal session” after the words of Casalinuovo and of a “climate of political uncertainty” while wondering what determines the need for a reshuffle is Valerio Donato: «Is there a new political program at the base for which it is necessary to restructure the Giunta? Or maybe it’s just a Cencelli textbook rebalancing?». Marco Polimeni he speaks of an “imbalance to the right”, recalling the political agreement that had led Casalinuovo to give up his candidacy for mayor to join the Giunta and pointing out that the majority of the new entries come from the centre-right. To throw water on the fire Nunzio Belcaro for which “this majority was and is the antagonist of FI, FdI and Lega, knows where to stand”.