Checks on the territory in Patti, complaints for illegal carrying of knives and drunkenness


By John

During the night, the carabinieri of the Compagnia di Patti they have intensified the controls, concentrating them above all in the Pattese center and on the coast in the municipalities Gioiosa Marea, Piraino and Broloarranging targeted checks aimed at combating crimes in general, especially those of a predatory nature and those connected to drug trafficking, as well as violations of the Highway Code.
As part of the roadside checks, more than 200 vehicles and over 280 people are subjected to checks, with the contestation of various violations of the highway code, such as lack of insurance coverage, failure to overhaul, failure to use seat belts, overtaking prohibited and others, raising administrative penalties for a total of 6,442 euros, with the reduction of 93 points on driving licenses.
With reference to crimes related to road traffic, a person was reported for driving under the influence of alcohol, with the simultaneous withdrawal of the license and seizure of the vehicle, while a 53-year-old and a 67-year-old were reported for illegally carrying a stick with a sharp point respectively and a knife of the forbidden kind. Furthermore, a 36-year-old foreigner was reported for not having complied with the order of expulsion from the Italian territory issued by the Milan Police Headquarters.
A 62-year-old and a 31-year-old, on the other hand, were reported to the Prefecture of Messina, the first for disorderly drunkenness, having been surprised in a public place in an evident state of alcoholic intoxication; the second as a drug user, as he was found in possession of small quantities of cocaine and marijuana, held for personal use.