Codacons: “Meloni intervene for the Villa sul Ponte desk: the operators are unable to provide information”


By John

The operators of the desk set up by the «Ponte sull Stretto» company in the Municipality of Villa San Giovanni «are not able to provide clarifications and information regarding the expropriations of homes and land to be implemented regarding the construction of the stable building on the Strait of Messina , addressing a general advice to everyone to submit observations”. This was supported in a note by the provincial manager of Reggio Calabria of Codacons, the lawyer Antonia Condemi.

«The Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni – adds Condemi – it has the moral and institutional obligation to intervene with extreme speed and determination to impose clarity and a minimum of seriousness on the issue linked to the Strait Bridge which, after having made the Strait of Messina society ridiculous, risks dragging with it the credibility of the entire Government. It would be interesting, among other things, at this point, for someone to explain what the observations can be presented on, without even knowing what will have to happen around and above the individual properties, with the result that the same procedure hastily implemented by Stretto di Messina spa is being undermined. The Republic recognizes and protects private property, with the sole limitation of the public interest. The time has come when the highest exponent of the Government must take on the responsibility of speaking clearly and defending Italians tired of the abuses and violations carried out by a private company owned by the Italian State.”