Competitions, INPS ready to hire 2500 new professional figures: discover all the required profiles


By John

The National Institute of Social Security is preparing to tender for the last quarter of 2024 public competitions for the hiring of over 2,500 personnel with different qualifications. The selection procedures will allow the coverage of profiles with specific skills to support services and with a view to generating public value.

In particular, with reference to figures with non-managerial qualifications, the Institute is authorized to announce insolvency proceedings also as a result of specific legal provisions.
Pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 63/2024, we will proceed with recruit up to 403 personnel on a permanent basis to be placed in the Officers area, Supervisory Inspector professional family.

Furthermore, given the further and increased activities, skills and responsibilities attributed to INPS pursuant to Legislative Decree. n. 62/2024, we will proceed with the permanent hiring of various professional figures to be involved in the activities of assessing disability conditions. In particular, these are 1,069 first-level doctors for the performance of medico-legal functions, 142 staff units to be included in the Administrative Officers Area and 920 staff units to be included in the Health Officials Area, of which 781 professional figures in the psychological and social areas.

The recruitment of at least 16 legal professionals is also envisaged. Finally, as regards figures with managerial qualifications, the Institute is preparing to start the recruitment procedures for at least 15 non-general level managerial units.