Conte and Renzi attack migrants. The leader of the M5S: “The government stutters”. The former prime minister: “Meloni is losing face”


By John

«Lampedusa is shaken by a profound political and humanitarian emergency. The Government stutters with embarrassment without giving an answerand, but away from the spotlight the landings continue, the social emergency is growing and the island’s population is in great difficulty.” The president of the M5s wrote it on social media Giuseppe Conte. «Today I was here all day to listen to the people of Lampedusa. I listened to them by participating in their town meeting, I visited the clinic, the hotspot, I met the representatives of various productive, social and civic associations, I was a guest at lunch with Mrs Teresa who a few days ago found herself in the garden of her house hungry migrants and took steps to open their doors to them and offer them prompt relief. It was an intense day, full of exchanges, emotions and reflections. We cannot leave the people of Lampedusa abandoned to their own devices. I told them the truth: politics does not solve problems with slogans and promises. Politics must build problem-solving paths without communicative commercials. Humility is needed. Arrogance and mockery hurt, especially for those who find themselves in difficulty.” “When we say Lampedusa we say Italy, we say Europe. The people of Lampedusa do not want compensation for an uncontrollable load of landings which is a prelude to the hypocrisy of a fake welcome. They ask for respect for constitutional rights, starting from healthcare up to the possibility of fully developing their economic, social and tourism potential. They ask not to be left alone, so that no one’s rights are trampled upon.”

Renzi: “Meloni is losing face regarding migrants”

The migrant issue has «many different points. The humanitarian point, first of all, and in this Italy must be proud of the Coast Guard and the Navy, we all agree on this, let’s save those who are at sea”. The leader of IV says so Matteo Renzi at Stasera Italia on Rete 4.
Then there is the political question, and «Meloni is losing face on this, not because he says the wrong things but because he has been saying for 10 years in which he said ‘let’s drown them,’ naval blockade – adds Renzi – he won the elections by saying one thing which is neither in heaven nor on earth. Since she’s been here, landings have doubled. They closed their eyes, not their ports.”
«Salvini and Meloni are therefore not convincing on the topic. On Sunday the right made a terrible impression, Salvini in Pontida with Le Pen and Meloni in Lampedusa with von der Leyen. It seemed like the Democratic Party since he was divided. They say two contradictory things. Then there is the economic question, which is very complicated. However, those who say that Europe is inactive are right, but a wall cannot be built because the Mediterranean is a sea. We need to open our eyes to the African story, China, the Russians with Wagner, have invested us in Africa, but not Europe”, concludes Renzi.