Corigliano Rossano, a 5-star list for Flavio Stasi. Conte “blesses” the wide field


By John

The national president of the Five Star Movement, Giuseppe Conteleaving aside for a moment regional, national and even European issues (it is no coincidence that he was present at the meeting held the day before yesterday at the Metropol Theater in Corigliano Rossano the candidate of this territory in the European elections, the former INPS president Pasquale Tridicocitizen of Scala Coeli) had no difficulty, on the topic of municipal elections, in stating that iThe Pentastellato movement, in line with the “wide field” coalition, strongly supports the mayoral candidate Flavio Stasi.
The statements of the highest representative of the Cinquestelle, expressed during the interviews and the statements communicated in the press conference held on the sidelines of the crowded public meeting, seem to arise from the detailed information on the current mayor and on the administrative activity carried out, evidently received , by the local and territorial representatives of their political force.

Those same representatives, the vice-president of the group in the Chamber, Hon. Vittoria Baldino and her fellow deputy, Elisa Scutellà, and the group leader of the M5S in the Regional Council, Davide Tavernise, who are participating, step by step, in the meetings of the coalition in support of the candidacy of Stasi, who was also present at the Five Star convention in Corigliano Rossano. For this reason, Conte had no difficulty in stating that the candidacy supported by the Movement «offers good guarantees also in light of the matured administration, to be able to do well, since the dialogue with the political forces in question is based, on clear assumptions, transparent and shared”.