The wait is over. Thanks to the great availability ofmunicipal administration of Corigliano Rossano and the work of the volleyball clubs present in the area is ready to host the largest youth volleyball event, theAequilibrium Cup 2024 – Regions Trophy. We start on Sunday 23 June from the seafront of the urban area of Rossano where The 42 representatives of all the regions of Italy will parade to reach the “Rino Gaetano” amphitheater, the place chosen for the presentation of the great event. Special guest for the occasion will be the World Champion Daniele Lavia for a quick and warm greetings to the participants. A week dedicated to great volleyball with the best talents from each region ready to battle and defend the colors of their territory, in the name of sporting competition, but also of social aggregation, respect and friendship in a territorial context which offers the possibility of being able to spend days in total serenity which will be very intense from a competitive point of view. Sport and tourism: a perfect combination in a land kissed by the sun and a thousand-year history to discover the artistic-cultural beauties of the area and the numerous typical food and wine specialties. Calabria, therefore, is preparing to once again be a point of reference and sounding board at a national level for the youth volleyball discipline thanks to the work done over time by the Municipality of Corigliano-Rosano and in particular by the Mayor Flavio Stasi, who with a series of events they have increased its prestige and reputation for excellent success, with increasingly significant attention to logistical-organizational aspects and quality.
The usual Technical Meeting, another appointment of fundamental importance of the event, is scheduled for Sunday at 9.30 pm in the Sala del Villaggio Airone Resort in Corigliano-Rossano. The start of the races is scheduled for Monday 24 June; the matches of the men’s tournament will start at 9 am, while those of the women’s tournament will start at 3.30 pm. The finals are scheduled for Friday 28 June.
There will be ten facilities that will host the one hundred and fifty matches that will characterize this new edition of the Aequilibrium Cup-Trofeo delle Regioni 2024 from Monday 24th to Friday 28th June: the “Brillia” sports hall, the F. Calabrò hall, the high school campus, the Pala Events, the ITI – IPA – ITI “E. Majorana”, the IIS Green Falcone e Borsellino Gym (Via S. Cosma e Damiano, 20), the IIS Green Falcone e Borsellino Gym (Via G. di Vittorio, 1), the Sporting Club, the ITAS-ITC Gym and the IIL Palma.
Everything is therefore ready for the start of the event, which as is known, represents the arrival point of a much longer journey that started in recent months and which includes the Territories Trophies which were held in all the Italian regions. Corigliano-Rossano is therefore preparing to be the capital of Italian youth volleyball.
For the second consecutive year, all matches of the Aequilibrium-Cup Trofeo delle Regioni will be broadcast live on the YouTube channel of the Italian Volleyball Federation (HERE is the playlist dedicated to the event). The website will instead give wide prominence to the races with real-time news, photo galleries and live scores from all fields.
Pool A
Group A: Lombardy, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Campania
Group B: Lazio, Sicily, Sardinia
Group C: Veneto, Tuscany, Liguria
Group D: Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Trentino
Pool B
Group E: Abruzzo, Alto Adige, Basilicata
Group G: Marche, Umbria, Molise
Group H: Calabria, Puglia, Valle d’Aosta
Pool A
Group A: Veneto, Umbria, Campania
Group B: Lombardy, Lazio, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Group C: Trentino, Sicily, Calabria
Group D: Emila Romagna, Marche, Piedmont
Pool B
Group E: Puglia, Alto Adige, Molise
Group G: Tuscany, Basilicata, Valle d’Aosta
Group H: Liguria, Abruzzo, Sardinia
The top 12 teams from the Regions with the top 12 places in the ranking were included in POOL A and divided into 4 groups of 3 teams each with concentrated matches (ABC). The second 9 teams from the Regions with places in the ranking from 13 to 21 were placed in POOL B and divided into 3 groups of three teams each with concentrated matches (EGH). At the end of the first phase the general ranking of the 12 teams will be drawn up. The top 9 classified will acquire the right to remain in Pool A, while the teams classified from tenth to twelfth in the general classification will be relegated to Pool B. The first classified in the three groups of Pool B, however, will move up to Pool A and together with the first nine classified teams from Pool A will be divided into 4 groups of 3 teams who will play a first day of competition with a one-way group to compete for places from 1st to 12th in the general classification. At the end of the second phase we will continue with the semi-finals and finals which will award the Trophy. In pool B, however, the nine teams will be divided into three groups of three teams who will play a first day of competition with a first round to compete for places from thirteenth to twenty-first in the general classification.
1987: Tuscany
1988: not played
1989: Abruzzo
1990: Tuscany
1991: Tuscany
1992: Marche
1993: not played
1994: Tuscany
1995: Piedmont
1996: Piedmont
1997: Emilia Romagna
1998: Lombardy
1999: Lombardy
2000: Lombardy
2001: Campania
2002: Veneto
2003: Sicily
2004: Lombardy
2005: Lombardy
2006: Emilia Romagna
2007: Piedmont
2008: Lombardy
2009: Lombardy
2010: Emilia Romagna
2011: Piedmont
2012: Lombardy
2013: Lombardy
2014: Piedmont
2015: Lombardy
2016: Veneto
2017: Lombardy
2018: Lazio
2019: Veneto
2020: not played
2021: not played
2022: Lombardy
2023: Lazio
1982: Emilia Romagna
1983: Abruzzo and Molise
1984: Emilia Romagna
1985: Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta
1986: not played
1987: Marche
1988: Marche
1989: Emilia Romagna
1990: Marche
1991: Campania
1992: Emilia Romagna
1993: not played
1994: Marche
1995: Marche
1996: Marche
1997: Marche
1998: Veneto
1999: Campania
2000: Lombardy
2001: Veneto
2002: Marche
2003: Marche
2004: Veneto
2005: Veneto
2006: Piedmont
2007: Emilia Romagna
2008: Lazio
2009: Campania
2010: Piedmont
2011: Veneto
2012: Trentino
2013: Lombardy
2014: Lombardy
2015: Lombardy
2016: Puglia
2017: Veneto
2018: Lombardy
2019: Puglia
2020: not played
2021: not played
2022: Veneto
2023: Lombardy
On the website all the information on gaming facilities, accommodation facilities, representative teams and much more.