Corigliano Rossano, the former fire station is crumbling while awaiting a new use


By John

New collapse of the former fire station building in the historic center of Rossano. A building that is coming down piece by piece, day after day, amid the indifference of the institutions. A property that could be recovered and reused for various purposes, from social ones to hosting bodies and institutions. The property, as is known, is owned by the Province of Cosenza, and for some time the Municipal Administration of Corigliano Rossano had asked the provincial body to implement the free loan for use resolution which had been pending for years, but after more than two years since the last correspondence between Mayor Stasi and President Succurro, there is no news of the resolution of the matter. As was known at the time of Iacucci’s presidency the property had been given on free loan to the municipality of Corigliano Rossano and the latter had already decided to allocate it to the city headquarters of the Italian Red Cross, already ready to take possession after having also carried out inspections and requested financing for the renovation works. After four years, as mentioned, however there has not yet been the last formal step by the Province of Cosenza.