The nightmare of an earthquake is around the corner. And the looming danger. Carrying out verification activities and implementing a prevention strategy can therefore prove very useful. Not only that: the opportunity could become favorable not only to make citizens’ lives insecure but also to act quickly on limiting energy consumption. The Order of Engineers says it loudly by calling for the activation of a tax incentive system capable of activating a virtuous facilitation mechanism only for the verification and evaluation activities of the levels of safety and seismic vulnerability of buildings and for the energy analysis and diagnosis of properties.
President, Marco Ghionna, poses the problem through the form of a proposal made to the local delegation which is based on an incontrovertible fact: our land is at high seismic risk.
«The choice to rethink a tax incentive system would allow in a very short time to provide a detailed mapping of the state of health of the real estate assets in the two areas (energy and seismic) and would increase the awareness and conscious participation of citizens interested in achieving the expected results in terms of seismic safety and energy saving”.