Tomorrow, Tuesday 19 December, at 5.30 pm, at the National Library of Cosenza, the president of the province of Cosenza Rosaria Succurro, as godmother, will give the set designer Stefania Vigna the 2023 “Costanza D’Altavilla” award from the Association of Women Electricians – ANDE Cosenza. Now in its second edition, the award is awarded to personalities who have distinguished themselves for professional and human merit, contributing to honoring the name of the province of Cosenza at a national and international level. The event will open with greetings from the director of the National Library of Cosenza, Adele Bonofiglio and the president of ANDE Cosenza, Giovanna Giulia Bergantin.
Following the speeches of the vice president of ANDE Cosenza Wanda Lombardi and the national councilor of the Confartigianato fashion federation Luigia Granata who for the occasion will bring some of her creations on display. This will be followed by the report by Romeo Bufalo, former professor of aesthetics at the University of Calabria, on “Thinking in images. Cinema between reality and fiction”. The reports will be interspersed with the performance of some pieces by the pianist and student of the Brutium Technical Scientific Center of Cosenza Francesco Granata and the declamation of some verses by the poet Annalina Paradiso.
The evening will end with the presentation and delivery of the “Manifesto against femicide and all forms of gender violence” promoted at a national level by the ANDE association.
The speakers’ table will be coordinated by Rosanna Labonia of the ANDE Cosenza board.
The schools of the “Emozioniamoci” network will participate in the event, partners in active citizenship paths which, starting from the value of beauty from a civic perspective, promote responsible and aware behavior among young people.