Counter-exodus, still slowdowns and queues on the A2 between Torano and Tarsia


By John

On the A2 “Autostrada del Mediterraneo” – also in relation to the intense traffic flows connected to the summer counter-exodus – there are signs of slowdowns in the northbound direction between the Torano and Tarsia junctions, in correspondence with a narrowing of the carriageway of approximately 200 metres near kilometre 230which could not be removed by order of the Judicial Authority.

On that stretch – Anas communicates – transit is permitted only on the overtaking lane. In order to avoid traffic blocks, the Anas staff present on site has also activated an alternative recommended route on the provincial road parallel to the highway, with exit at Torano and return to Tarsia Sud.

In short, after yesterday’s hell with many kilometres of tailbacks and congested traffic, another difficult Sunday is expected for motorists returning from the counter-exodus towards the North.