Crossing the Strait, 12 athletes from the Paralympic Defense Sports Group competing


By John

On Sunday 16 June 12 athletes from the Paralympic Defense Sports Group will perform, for the third consecutive year, the crossing of the Strait starting from Torre Faro. They will swim across a 3,800 meter stretch of sea until they reach the opposite shore on the Calabrian side. Also taking part in the crossing will be Undersecretary of State for Defense Senator Isabella Rauti and Admiral Inspector of the Port Authorities Luca Sancilio, deputy head of the 6th General Affairs Department of the Defense General Staff.
Some athletes, expert swimmers, will cover the 3,800 meter course, others will take turns in the water in an exciting relay race, while the last 100 meters will be covered by all 12 athletes who will swim together side by side, to symbolize the team spirit and harmony that animates all the members of the GSPD.

The event, organized by the 5th Department of the General Staff of Defense, is carried out in collaboration with the local Navy and Harbor Master’s offices and with the help of the “ASD Ulysse Nuoto”, an amateur sports association which, for some time, organizes and coordinates both competitive and amateur crossings of the Strait.
For the first time this year, two other rowing boats will also participate, an 8 Jole from the Reale Yacht Club Canottieri Savoia (Naples) and a 4 Jole with a crew from the Circolo Canottieri Mincio (Mantua) in concert with the Canottieri Mondello (Palermo) .
The athletes who will participate in the crossing are: Brigadier General (role of honor) Roberto Como, gold medal for valor of the Army; Lieutenant Colonel Giuseppe Erriquez (honorable role); Chief Marshal Massimiliano Riccio; administrative assistance Jacopo Maria Curzi Role, selected officer (special qualification) Sergio Di Meo; Sergeant Davide Grasso; nautical technical assistant Alessandro Mazzeo; retired officer cadet Matteo Pietropan; technical assistant Giuseppe Spatola (civilian role in service); sergeant Salvatore Tumminia and 1st Graduate Marco Pallucca.