Early repayment of loans: with the new decree all expenses will be reimbursed


By John

The rule whereby, in the event of early repayment of a loan, the consumer will be able to get back all the costs incurred has been reinstated. The Omnibus decree provides for it, which cancels the time restriction introduced with the infringement decree in July. The rule is therefore reinstated according to which, “for consumer credit agreements – explains the report -, in the event of early repayment of the loan, the consumer has the right to a refund of all costs incurred in relation to the credit agreement (including interest and expenses, as clarified by the judgments of the Constitutional Court and the Court of Justice)».

The retreat from the restriction contained in the decree Save Infractions it was anticipated in recent days by FdI which had announced the repeal through one of the next measures. An approved amendment had in fact provided for this right was no longer valid for early repayments of consumer credit agreements entered into before 25 July 2021 (date of entry into force of the law converting decree-law n. 73 of 2021, which introduced the rule).