European elections, Giusi Princi will be FI's candidate in the Southern constituency “For a stronger Calabria in the EU”


By John

“The European elections on 8 and 9 June will be an extremely important moment for our country. Italy will choose who to be represented in the EU Parliament, and those who are elected will participate in the birth of the future Commission and in the community legislative processes of the next five years.
Forza Italia, the standard-bearer of the European People's Party in Italy, is running to play a key role.
We want, led by our national secretary Antonio Tajani – candidate in 4 out of 5 constituencies – to achieve a great result to give more strength to our values ​​and to the EPP.
We will have quality candidates everywhere, ready to get involved and commit to the battles that will have to be fought in the years to come.
Calabria – with its national ruling class, with its mayors, with its regional and municipal councilors, with its militants – will be the protagonist as always.
In recent years our Region has recorded the highest percentages for Forza Italia, and also in this electoral round we will be up to the challenge that awaits us.
On 8 and 9 June we will be on the field, counting on Calabrian excellence ready to bring its enthusiasm and skills to Brussels and Strasbourg.
The vice president of the Region, Giusi Princi, in fact, has dissolved her reservation in these hours and will be Forza Italia's candidate in the Southern constituency – which includes Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Puglia.
A source of pride for all of us, an additional opportunity for Calabria to bring its concerns to the attention of the European Parliament.
Giusi Princi is a woman of great value, with deep-rooted and positive professional and human qualities.
In recent years in the Region he has demonstrated all his virtues and we are certain that he will be able to do equally well, with his wealth of experience, also in Europe.
Best wishes and good luck for the electoral campaign. We will run with her and with Forza Italia for a stronger Calabria in Italy and in the EU institutions.”

This was stated in a joint note by Roberto Occhiuto, president of the Calabria Region and deputy national secretary of Forza Italia, and Francesco Cannizzaro, regional coordinator of Forza Italia in Calabria and Italian MP.