On the occasion of European elections of next June 8th and 9th “off-site” students they will be able to vote, for the first time, for the lists and candidates of their territorial constituency of origin, without the need to return to the municipality of residence.
The new voting method, introduced in an experimental form by article 1-ter of legislative decree no. 7/2024, converted by law no. 38/2024, will allow students domiciled for a period of at least three months in a municipality outside their region of residence to vote:
in the municipality where they live temporarily if this belongs to the same electoral district as the municipality of residence;
in special polling stations established in the regional capital of the municipality where they temporarily live, if the latter belongs to an electoral constituency other than that of residence.
To be admitted to the “off-site” vote, interested students must submit a specific request to the Municipality of residence by 5 May 2024, preferably using the attached application form.
The application for admission to off-site voting can be revoked in the same way by Wednesday 15 May 2024.
By Tuesday 4 June 2024, the municipality of temporary domicile, or the capital municipality of the region in which the municipality of temporary domicile is located, will issue the non-resident student with a certificate of admission to vote indicating the number and address of the section in which to vote. The certificate can also be issued through the use of electronic tools and must be shown at the polling station in order to be admitted to vote, together with the identification document and the electoral card.
Off-site students are entitled to the current travel concessions from the municipality of temporary residence to the regional capital and return for exercising the right to vote in the special assignment section.
Students admitted to vote off-site in the special sections established in the regional capitals will then be able to consider acting as members of the special polling stations where the Mayors deem it necessary, if necessary, to identify them for this task.