Financial education webinar also in lis mode of Poste Italiane in the province of Messina


By John

Webinar appointments on the topic of Financial Education are also back for the citizens of the province of Messina: starting tomorrow 6 February with a double meeting, at 10am and 4.30pmentitled “Home accounts” during which the speaker will share useful suggestions with participants on how to best manage the family budget.

The meetings, promoted by Poste Italiane, have the aim of disseminating and spreading, among young people and beyond, a financial, insurance and social security culture to make informed choices suited to personal and family objectives. The webinars will be available to all citizens also in LIS mode.

To participate for free just connect to on the Financial Education web page, in the sustainability section of the institutional website, choose the topic of interest and register. Furthermore, many are available on the site multimedia content accessible to all, a useful glossary and a podcast series dedicated specifically to young people entitled “EF Generation”, which tells, through the voices of the protagonists of the stories, in a simple way and without too many technicalities, the main themes of correct financial planning .

The initiative follows Poste Italiane’s traditional attention to citizens’ needs and in line with its historic vocation as a socially responsible company that adheres to the international ESG principles promoted by the United Nations.