Former Pirelli in Villafranca, development prospects in a path with three steps


By John

Unanimously, the city council yesterday approved a document in which the development prospects and destination of the former Pirelli and Italcementi areas were put in black and white. Taking a step back, last December 20th, at the Town Hall, an informal meeting was held between the city councilors and the Administration to focus on the topic. After an extensive discussion, those present unanimously confirmed the 2016 guidelines and reiterated the request for the former Pirelli area to leave the IRSAP (formerly ASI) as it is anomalous with the presence of factories of private property and municipal roads, in which no investment was made either by ASI first, or by IRSAP afterwards. No benefit came from this to the Municipality, neither before nor after the failure of the area contract. The need, however, not to penalize the entrepreneur-owners makes us lean towards comparison, keeping in mind that the area has extraordinary landscape potential on the waterfront, which overlooks the Aeolian Islands and Cape Milazzo.
In light of these needs to protect the entrepreneurial and territorial sector, the Administration and Council therefore believe that we must proceedwith a progressive and modular reconversion of existing activities, to the relocation of the same which would not be compatible with the new configuration of the area, foreseeing, as the destination of the activities, the other former Italcementi industrial area, which is better suited to hosting the activities industrial in relation to the distance from inhabited centres, accompanying their strengthening with commercial activities and the integration of tourist ones.
It is therefore appropriate to organize an organic path, which has been defined in three steps. The first concerns the Council’s directive to establish a Scientific Technical Committee (CTS) to support the municipal offices, with the identification of specialized technical figures for verifying requests for interventions in industrial, artisanal and commercial areas. , considering that the municipal organic structure is currently not equipped with these professionals. The CTS itself will have the task of verifying the feasibility of the Administration’s policy documents in relation to future choices and the actions to be implemented, as well as assisting the Municipality in the creation of a Public Health Plan. CThis is done through serious monitoring, control regarding public health and CO2 reduction in relation to the latest outcomes of the Paesc (the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan). The second step will have to promote the establishment of a political-environmental table for the discussion of the topics between the Municipality of Villafranca Tirrena, the ARPA and the ASP for the identification of the guidelines for the definition of the path aimed at achieving the objective of territorial transformation of the areas involved, under constant control to guarantee the environmental sustainability of all the choices made.
The third step: the establishment of a technical-political table to achieve the set objective, with the necessary steps for defining the identified path. The document in which all these steps were defined was therefore approved unanimously. Speaking in support of what was established were the mayor Giuseppe Cavallaro and the councilors Gianfranco Ammendolia, Salvatore Micali, Andrea Alizzi and Daniela Zirilli.