The new post Citizenship Income tool launches and the platform for training and work makes its debut. The acronym It’s Siisl (Information system for social and work inclusion), cross-references requests and offers and, within a few hours of its debut, has already collected thousands of adverts. “It is the first stone”, underlines the Minister of Labor and Social Policies, Marina Calderone, of a path that aims to expand and slowly reach anyone looking for a job, trying to enter the job market or reintegrate. Less than 24 hours after the start, on the platform – the ministry and the INPS report – there are 52,798 offers for training courses for a potential audience of 600 thousand users and 25,691 job advertisements for around 60 thousand opportunities. the support for training and work, intended for employable people aged between 18 and 59 who leave the income tax, exceeds 8 thousand in the afternoon. But the data, it is underlined, are continuously updated and “describe a liveliness of both the training offer what a job.”
So far between the end of July and the end of August there have been around 190 thousand nuclei (who do not have any minor, disabled or over-60 members among them) who received the communication from INPS to stop the Rdc for having reached seven monthly payments during the year. But the households with employable potential, according to an excessive estimate, would be around 140 thousand. And therefore potential recipients of support for training and work. The first, from midnight onwards, connected to the INPS website or then turned to the charitable organizations to submit the application to access the new measure. Once the application was made, registration on the platform began: after completing the CV, the request to sign the Digital Activation Agreement (Pad) and then the need to contact three employment agencies and then sign the personalized service agreement ( Pds).
Browsing the portal you will find training courses and job offers (vacancies). Around 25 thousand from the employment agencies associated with Assolavoro. The adverts are inserted indicating the offer data, the employer, the profile sought, the requirements and the conditions of the offer, specifying the sector, the description and the expiry date. Anyone who accesses it can then search by place of work or profession. By looking through the advertisements you can consult the proposals and also apply for the offer considered most suitable, expressing a real expression of interest. During this path, and for a maximum of 12 months, the recipients of support for training and work (which requires participation in training, qualification and work support projects, but also universal civil service and projects useful to the community ) receive an economic benefit of 350 euros per month. However, this is lost if you abandon the path, skip an activity or refuse a job offer deemed appropriate. The job offers uploaded range across different sectors and different qualifications and specializations: from workers to accountants, from waiters to personal care and assistance operators; to sales assistants, logistics workers and customer care. On average, as told by those who were able to gain access, these are requests for figures with medium and operational qualifications. The Siisl will then also allow the management of the Inclusion Allowance (Adi), which will start on January 1st 2024, intended for families in which there is a minor, or a disabled person or an over-60 or a member included in care and assistance from social and health services. But the intention is to make it a sort of marketplace for all citizens.