“What measures does the Calabria Region intend to adopt to guarantee the employment continuity of the 42 workers currently employed through FINCALABRA SPA and what are the prospects for their stabilization or contractual renewal starting from February 2025?”. This is one of the questions posed by regional councilor of the Democratic Party, Amalia Bruniin the written question relating to the situation of historical precarious employment in Calabria, with particular reference to the technical support project for the implementation of the PNRR and the 2021-2027 programming of the ESI Funds, implemented through FINCALABRA SPA
The question raises concerns regarding the stabilization of currently employed workers and the management of remaining financial resources. Clear answers are needed regarding the management of precarious employment and the use of public resources, with the aim of guaranteeing not only the employment stability of the workers involved, but also the effectiveness of regional policies in this context.
“According to LR 6/2023, published in February 2023, the Calabria Region has envisaged the use of qualified workers with previous experience to support regional departments and local administrations in implementing the measures envisaged by the PNRR. A project launched with great expectations, but which saw a notable difference between the number of figures initially envisaged and those actually contracted”, we recall in the introduction to the question.
Councilor Bruni asks the President of the Council, Roberto Occhiuto: “How does the Calabria Region intend to use the residual financial resources resulting from the failure to use the resources intended for the hiring of the 132 professional figures originally envisaged in the project?”.
And above all: “What actions does the Calabria Region intend to undertake to support the complete application of LR 6/2023, in order to guarantee the employment of all the staff of the so-called ‘historic precarious workforce’ identified in decree no. 16670 of 11/16/2023?”.
“Historical precarious employment is one of the most urgent issues to be addressed to guarantee job stability and the continuity of essential services for our Region. The project launched with FINCALABRA saw the commitment of only a part of the professional figures initially envisaged, with a consequent waste of resources. It is essential that the Regional Council responds urgently to these issues and takes concrete measures for the stabilization of workers and the optimization of financial resources, so as to prevent the progress made so far from being lost”, concludes Bruni.