Two games, one race. You don’t need prophecies or cassandras to predict the final glimpse of the council as a real tug of war between the mayor Mary Limardo and his opponents. The latter, by now, in clear majority, within the City Council. The presentation of the remodeled council opens a different chapter of an administrative experience on which, according to the numbers, the de profundis would already sound today. On the one hand the challenges of Porto, of social policies, of culture which has divided and caused so much discussion, on the other the desire to set up a no-confidence motion as soon as possible which will interrupt the council and essentially decree the end of the experience Limardo with the head of the Administration who, in such an eventuality, would not be re-nominated.
And the question arises spontaneously: which and how many elected representatives would already be ready to send the mayor home and already arrived in the autumn period? In the new political scenario created within the Aula of Palazzo “Luigi Razza”, one can only start from Città Futura. The ultimatum of Antonino Roschetti, during the last Council, it already sounded like a lack of confidence in the mayor. Numbers in hand, the group of Vito Pitaro it is made up of six members who would have no doubts about the need to anticipate the conclusion of the current administrative experience.
There would then be a solid block of opponents who would facilitate the process. Pd and M5S could not have hesitations, even from different positions. The motion of no confidence would certainly agree Lorenza Scrugli, the first to break with the mayor and to condemn her work at 360 degrees. They would vote no confidence in Maria Limardo, as well as Stefano Luciano and Giuseppe Russo, the first of whom has never wanted to give in to any openness towards the chief executive.