Lamezia, boom in meetings in the Commission. Zaffina and Piccioni were the most present


By John

Boom in board meetings in December. In the 18 days available (considering holidays and weekends) the Commissions met 41 times, this means 2 to 3 commissions per day. A figure that can be seen from the decision issued by the General Secretariat of the Administration, which paid the attendance fees to the city councilors relating precisely to the month of December only.
Always a system designed to guarantee the councilors of the Provinces and Municipalities emoluments for participation in municipal councils and commissions, the size of the token is regulated by ministerial decree no. 119/2000, the same one that establishes the monthly performance allowances of auditors. For our city, the attendance fee is set at 32.53 euros and, although we focus only on the month of December 2023 – certainly a particularly “challenging” month for personal or work-related needs – it is possible to get a rough idea of ​​the presence in the Council and in the various council commissions of the various city councillors, net , clearly commissions that are made up of different councilors in a mixed way and not all of them participate in the work of the same commissions, on the contrary.
The most present in December, however, appear to be, on equal terms, Rosario Piccioni and Peppino Zaffina who correspond to the figure of 1,106 euros (with 31 presences at commissions and 3 at city councils, for a total of 34). Followed by Enrico Costantino, Giovanni Saladini (1,073 euros) and Lucia Cittadino (1,008 euros), the first two with 30 appearances on commissions, 3 on councils and the third with 28 commissions and 3 councils. Followed by: Giovanni Pulice (975 euros with 27 commissions and 3 recommendations), Antonietta D’Amico (943 euros with 26 commissions and 3 recommendations), Davide Mastroianni (748 euros with 20 commissions and 3 recommendations), Anna Caruso and Maria Grandinetti ( 683 euros with 18 commissions and 3 advice), Matteo Folino (650 euros with 18 commissions and 2 advice), Antonio Lorena (618 euros with 19 commissions and no advice).