The provision invoked and awaited by dozens of Calabrian mayors and local administrators has arrived. The State-City Conference has in fact decided to extend the deadline for the approval of the budget estimates of local authorities to February 28th. And so, what was launched a few years ago as an extraordinary measure has now become an entirely Italian custom. The request for extension, formulated at the end of November by the ANCI and the UPI, was motivated by the difficulties encountered by many local authorities in relation to the uncertainties connected to the financial measures provided for by the 2025 budget law and to certain benefits that may be distributed in the first weeks of the new year.
The decree from the Ministry of the Interior is expected in the next few days which should explain, as usual, the authorization for provisional operation until the new deadline for entities that have not already approved the budget.
The extension also affects the approval or modification of resolutions relating to revenue, which may possibly be adopted within the new deadline by all Municipalities, making changes and additions.