M5s-Pd exchanges of accusations, there is a rift between Conte and Schlein. The broad field crumbles on the Bari case


By John

The broad camp is crumbling in Bari after the “no” in the M5s primaries three days after the opening of the gazebos. The investigation into the alleged vote swap, the third in a few months, convinced Giuseppe Conte and the candidate Michele Laforgia that the conditions for voting next Sunday were no longer there. A step backwards that ignited the PD-Movement clash just when it seemed that Bari could be the laboratory for another political experiment: the Five Star Movement had never agreed to compete in the primaries, the Apulian one would have been the first time.

The progressive camp, the extra-large alliance that goes from the Italian Left and the Greens to Italia Viva e Azione, now risks splintering. This is foreshadowed by the words of Conte who, in the morning in Bari, took things further: “I'm sorry about this reaction from the Democratic Party but we don't accept lack of respect and no one can afford to say that the M5s is disloyal or allude to this. I invite the Democratic Party not to react in a disorganized way. If they don't withdraw the accusations of disloyalty, it will become increasingly difficult to work with the Democratic Party.”

Already on Thursday the “bridge-builders” were set in motion, their mission is to convince the Five Star Movement to eliminate the candidacies of Laforgia and Vito Leccese, former head of Antonio Decaro's Cabinet, and together identify a third figure, from the civic world, who can keep the coalition together. A path that however immediately appears almost impossible.

“Last Wednesday – Conte insisted – I warned secretary Schlein in a long phone call that the situation in Bari was becoming compromised and that if there were new investigations we would not be willing to pretend nothing had happened by continuing with the primaries. And “Unfortunately, since a new investigation has taken place, which also has as its object the pollution of the vote and vote swapping, the matter is becoming more and more serious. Pretending nothing has happened is not possible.” The president of the M5s recalled that “we in Bari were in opposition, we agreed to follow a common path but on certain assumptions. If there is anyone who pretends nothing has happened or wants to belittle us, we are not there. The situation is objectively serious “.

In the evening, from the stage installed in the central Piazza Umberto, in Bari, for the Leccese rally, Schlein responded with a hard face: “I'm here with you because, unlike others, I keep my word. And I'm sorry for the decision taken yesterday by Giuseppe Conte, unilaterally, he decided without looking for a solution because this helps the right”. The secretary of the Democratic Party did not give in an inch: “I don't respond to attacks on me, but I am not willing to tolerate attacks that reach our community.” And turning to the Democratic Party candidate, he makes a small opening: “You will have our support even if you want to continue seeking with Laforgia that unity that others broke yesterday. Even yesterday – he reveals – we had put forward the proposal to both take a step back, to take a step forward together. But the answer was negative, evidently that answer had already been planned. I am happy to be here with Vito Leccese because I am here as secretary of the Democratic Party to confirm all our trust and our support for a respectable person , mirrored, which has always put itself at the service of the community”.

Schlein adds: “I understand that those who started politics with Palazzo Chigi are not familiar with militancy and gazebos. However, I demand that they have respect. It is a slap for all the respectable people who were preparing to go and vote. It is an inference to say that both candidates could make use of less than transparent means” https://gazzettadelsud.it/articoli/politica/2024/04/06/scambi-di-accuse-m5s-pd-e-rottura-tra -conte-e-schlein-the-field-largo-is-crumbling-on-the-bari-case-a8453152-7510-4ba2-96b7-22150c829b74/.”Thus – he concluded – they help the right. We need a policy that look at the next generations and not the polls. On legality we do not accept morality lessons from anyone”https://gazzettadelsud.it/articoli/politica/2024/04/06/scambi-di-accuse-m5s-pd-e-rottura -between-conte-and-schlein-the-large-field-is-crumbling-on-the-bari-case-a8453152-7510-4ba2-96b7-22150c829b74/.”For the 5 Star Movement, legality is not a negotiable value, it's not a bargaining chip”, Conte replies promptly, commenting on Schlein's words on Facebook. And this seems to be the final word in the duel between the two. At least in Bari.

“In my opinion we must, while also respecting the work done by the outgoing council – he said – absolutely give a sign of a new beginning and a strong renewal with legality safeguards that we will demand by working with anyone here in Bari” https://gazzettadelsud .it/articles/politics/2024/04/06/exchanges-of-accuse-m5s-pd-and-rupture-between-conte-and-schlein-il-campo-largo-si-sgretola-on-the-bari case -a8453152-7510-4ba2-96b7-22150c829b74/.”If the Democratic Party doesn't want us, we'll get over it but we want to maintain the unified spirit” of the center-left coalition in Bari, “I therefore invite the Democratic Party not to react in a disorganized way “.

“Another thing that came out of the Nazarene – added Conte – is that we didn't speak yesterday. Before communicating our decisions to the press, I had a long conversation with secretary Schlein. So please don't let any more nonsense like this come out “.

“For the 5 Star Movement, legality is not a negotiable value, it is not a bargaining chip,” Giuseppe Conte wrote on Facebook in the evening. Conte says he spent the day with “our Bari community, in a fruitful meeting with our territorial group, the elected representatives and the provincial and regional representatives”https://gazzettadelsud.it/articoli/politica/2024/04/06/ exchanges-of-accusations-m5s-pd-and-rift-between-conte-and-schlein-the-campo-largo-is-crumbling-over-the-bari-case-a8453152-7510-4ba2-96b7-22150c829b74/.” The courage of our Movement – we read in the post – testifies to citizens that there is a community that does not give up, that does not give up on seeing politics as a tool at the service of all and not a passe-partout for the careers of a few” .