Maida, green light for the redevelopment of the Carabinieri barracks. Back and forth between the council groups


By John

«Finally we can begin to conclude the construction of the new police station in Maidto. A work begun at the end of the summer of 2017 by the Paone administration, thanks to a loan obtained from the previous administration led by Natale Amantea, which in five years (the Paone administration, ndc) was unable to complete (making the costs increase enormously of realization), despite a further allocation of approximately 140,000 euros of municipal funds”. This is how the majority group “Let’s build the future” which has always supported the former mayor, begins in a note Galdino Amantea before the latter and his council “fell” last July following the resignation of the four minority councilors of “Freedom is participation” and the three “splitists” of “Democracy 2.0”.
Resignations, which as will be remembered, led to the arrival of the commissioner Costanza Pino. This news provokes a “back and forth” between the three council groups with no holds barred. «Now Maida is among the nine agreements signed between the Region and the municipalities – we read in the note from “Let’s build the future” – which provide for the redevelopment of the Carabinieri barracks. The financing is 150,000 euros as requested by the mayor from the Region for the completion of the barracks, on the indication of the technical office, in the figure of the surveyor Michienzi and to whom our thanks go for all the activity provided. This result is the result of the numerous requests and discussions that took place between the municipal administration led by the mayor Galdino Amantea and the Calabria region.”