Maneuver: the increase in motorway tolls is skipped, approval for the renewal of the Mit-Anas agreement for 50 years


By John

The 1.8% increase for 2025 in motorway tariffs corresponding to the inflation index programmed in the 2025-2029 budget structural plan foreseen in an amendment by the rapporteurs to the budget has been skipped. In fact, the government has given an opinion calling for the withdrawal of the rapporteurs’ amendment on the matter.

Instead, the House Budget Committee gives the green light to an amendment by the League, first signed by the group leader Riccardo Molinari, which provides that the Ministry of Infrastructure «is authorized to sign a new single agreement with Anas Spa» to be approved by decree of the MIT in concert with the Mef. Upon signing the agreement, the duration of the relevant concession is “adjusted to the maximum term” of 50 years. «With this amendment, Minister Salvini is preparing to privatize a share of Ferrovie dello Stato», accused the Democratic Party.