I believe the time has come to accelerate the process that must lead to the stipulation of agreements between the Calabria Region and the Municipalities of the Vibonese area to follow up on those public works long awaited by the citizens of the entire provincial territory”. The Hon. declares it. Giuseppe Mangialavori, president of the Budget Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, who urges the Municipalities of the Vibonese area to do their utmost to ensure that the agreements are signed in the shortest possible time which will bring those funds into the coffers of the beneficiary bodies – all 50 Municipalities of the province which Mangialavori himself was able to obtain thanks to an amendment approved in the past state budget law, amounting to 36 million euros for the three-year period 2023-2025.
“Months have passed – remarks the Hon. Mangialavori – from the Framework Program Agreement stipulated between the Ministry of Transport and the Calabria Region for the transfer of funds. I understand that there is a bureaucratic process to follow and technical deadlines to respect, but politics must play its part in all its expressions. I therefore hope that the necessary steps will be taken as soon as possible so that the funds are transferred and the administrations are ready with the relevant plans, to deliver to the citizens of the Vibo area many of those works that they have been waiting for for years. Any further delay would be frankly incomprehensible.”