Mayors alert on medical guards in the Catanzaro area, Iemma: guarantee continuity of care while respecting the right to health


By John

“The umpteenth outcry from the mayors of the Catanzaro area, in particular the Ionian area, on the problems of the medical guards has once again highlighted the need to secure the continuity of care service, in compliance with the right to health that cannot be trampled on. The reassurances provided by the regional health leaders on the fact that no territorial post will be abolished before the new organization of facilities which implements the national directives comes into force are good. This is not enough, however, if citizens are not guaranteed the right and accessibility to treatment in the meantime, especially in the areas most exposed to the risk of isolation”. This was stated in a statement by the Deputy Mayor of Catanzaro with responsibility for health, Giusy Iemma.
“The absence of an adequate number of doctors, as denounced by the mayors, in fact makes the medical guards increasingly undermanned and exposed to dangers for the safety of users and operators. A service, therefore, which works in fits and starts and which always worsens plus the problem of decongesting the emergency rooms. It is essential, therefore, to take charge of the situation by ensuring the coverage of the stations with the necessary medical personnel and equipping them with the essential tools, which are often also lacking sector guides highlight the importance of supporting local medicine in the direction of greater closeness and proximity to users, those with responsibilities cannot back down.
The mayors, as also reiterated in previous conferences of the Sector, are united to make the voices and needs of their communities heard. It is therefore appropriate, to better plan any possible hypothesis of reorganization of services, to work together with administrators to guarantee the health and well-being of citizens”.