Messina, waste trafficking in Gravitelli: five convictions on appeal


By John

Convictions reformulated on appeal, thanks to the “agreed sentence”, for the part of the summary judgments linked to the illicit trafficking of construction waste in the illegal Gravitelli landfill, which involved all the main builders of Messina.
In this case there were five defendants: Andrea Mancuso, Sarah Mangraviti, Letterio Mondo, Antonino Romeo and Antonino Marino.
The decisions of the appellate judges. For Romeo he “relives” the first degree sentence of one year and 4 months in prison (suspended sentence); for Andrea Mancuso the fine is 2 years, 6 months and 50 thousand euros; for Letterio Mondo, 2 years, 6 months and a fine of 30 thousand euros; for Antonino Marino 4 years, 3 months and 45 thousand euros fine. For Mangraviti, the judges reclassified the original crime into a contravention, and sentenced her to 8 months of arrest and a 6,000 euro fine. The judges also ordered some releases.
The compensations to the civil parties Legambiente Sicilia, Codes Environment, Codes Onlus, Codes Sicily and Angelo Ciccolo remain standing. The lawyers Salvatre Silvestro, Antonella Russo and Marco Mavaglia defended the case.