Desperate escape attempt, run-up, shattered glass and handcuffs on the wrists for a young man subject to a precautionary measure in prison since November 2023: a very eventful arrest in Reggio Calabria.
The soldiers of the Financial Police intervened at Fishermen's districtin the ancient buildings between via Loreto and viale Galileo Galiei, and forced the surrender the young “fugitive”, according to the first information leaked by the investigators, is a 26-year-old (Davide Berlingieri) nomad from the community of Ciccarello involved in the operation of the anti-mafia prosecutor's office of Reggio Calabria and the Guardia di Finanza which hit a group attributable to 'ndrine of the Modena-Ciccarello-PioXi and Marconi districts. The blitz began at lunchtime and saw at least twenty men and women from the Financial Police employed. Military men in uniform and plain clothes. The entire area had been surrounded and was off limits even to residents for at least an hour.
Today's operation – we read in the Fiamme Gialle press release – which saw the deployment of soldiers belonging to all the departments of the Reggio Calabria Provincial Command, made it possible to report a further 5 subjects, supporters of the fugitive, who ensured his refuge and sustenance through a dense network of lookouts and bodyguards from the coterie to support the fugitive.
For the first time in the territory of the province of Reggio Calabria, a new and very dangerous face of the 'Ndrangheta has been revealed which, in order to pursue its own lucrative goals, expand its economic power, strengthen its military ranks and extend its control over the territory, it has even reached the point of making very serious pacts with nomadic communities, certainly the most dangerous and unscrupulous ones. In this sense, the investigations made it possible to ascertain that the organization made use – especially for carrying out the most brutal criminal activities, such as crimes relating to weapons, drugs and, when necessary, even violent and bloody conduct – of the local Roma community, not only by enslaving it to itself, but also by virtue of a now necessary “do ut des”. In this way, these nomadic communities have not only been legitimized in the territory, but, even more serious and unprecedented, they have conquered a space of autonomy and delinquent freedom of extreme social danger never enjoyed before and which, without the protection of historical gangs and powerful, otherwise they would not have been able to have. The operation further demonstrates the constant and effective action implemented by the Guardia di Finanza and the Public Prosecutor's Office – District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Reggio Calabria in the fight against organized crime and phenomena characterized by strong social danger, such as the trafficking of weapons, narcotic substances and the infiltration of the 'ndrangheta into the economy, to safeguard economic and social freedoms with constant and effective action by the Financial Police and the Judicial Authority, in the fight against money laundering deriving from international trafficking in narcotic substances.