New Btp Valore, 17.9 billion raised. Rates at 4.1% for the first three years, then at 4.5%


By John

The Ministry of Economy and Finance announces that today sThe placement of the second issue of the BTP Valore started on 2 October has been completed, with 17,190.004 million euros raised and 641,881 contracts registered.. This is a result, specifies the Mef, which confirms the success of this family of government bonds dedicated to small savers (retail) who participated with great interest in the second issue, characterized by the new quarterly coupons.

The amount issued coincides with the overall value of the purchase contracts validly concluded at par on the MOT (the Mercato Telematico delle Obligazioni e Tititoli Stato of the Italian Stock Exchange) in the five days of placement, through the two dealer banks Intesa Sanpaolo SpA and Unicredit SpA and the support of the two co-dealer banks Banca Akros SpA and Iccrea Banca SpA The definitive annual rates of the security confirm those announced last 29 September: 4.10% for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year; 4.50% for the 4th and 5th year. The security has an enjoyment date of 10 October 2023 and maturity 10 October 2028. Subscribers who maintain the BTP Valore for the entire duration of the 5 years will also be guaranteed an extra final loyalty bonus of 0.5%.