Once in Reggio, the team cannot be found: and it’s not the PD’s fault…


By John

The birth of the new municipal council is not natural. And not even painless. A month has now passed since the return of Giuseppe Falcomatà at the top of the municipal and metropolitan administrations but the “music” is always the same. Also because the same orchestra is continuing to play it. There has not been the change of pace announced last October 25th and the risk is that a few more weeks will pass before we hear different “music”. La “quadra” is not easy to find and certainly not the fault of the Democratic Party. In the next few days, however, the dem regional secretary is expected to arrive in the city Nicola Irto and the senator, by meeting the mayor, should provide a contribution of clarity to get out of this stalemate which is not good for the city.
And the neo-League Armando Neri sharpens the knife of a sharp criticism: «The city is today the sad stage of the infamous drama “Waiting for Godot” by Samuel Beckett. A true theater of the absurd, in which the absence of a new council is even compounded by the total blockade of the Budget Commission, which reflects the phase of political stalemate and recession that Reggio is experiencing.

Read the complete article in the paper edition of Gazzetta del Sud – Reggio Calabria