The Messina Social City Special Company announces that it is public selection called for the identification of 260 beneficiaries of social inclusion internships as part of the measures relating to the project “New paths to accompany urban regeneration PON METRO 2014-2020 REACT-EU”. The project, promoted by the Municipality of Messina in synergy with the Messina Social City, has as its objective the promotion and the activation of social inclusion paths, organized by the Special Company. In particular, the initiative is addressed primarily to individuals belonging to households residing in the remediation areas, but also to individuals in conditions of housing, social, economic, vulnerability and social exclusion who need targeted active support courses aimed at ’employment and reintegration, on the basis of a personalized project useful for overcoming conditions of risk and/or discrimination and/or poverty and/or social exclusion, and who have signed the service agreement at the Employment Centres. interested in the selection can submit an application to participate from 00.00 on 11 August 2023 and until 23.59 on 22 August 2023, subject to online registration and access (via SPID or Electronic Identity Card) to the dedicated link. Please note that the application can only be submitted by one member per household.
At the end of the acceptance phase, a ranking will be formulated following the indicated criteria in the Notice and the procedures will be carried out via an electronic platform. The ranking will be valid until 31 December 2023 and may also be used in the event of finding additional resources dedicated to the same purposes. The traineeships will start at the end of the selection phase and will end no later than 22 December 2023. The training period is aimed at creating direct contact with the world of work, so as to favor the acquisition of professional skills and job placement. To the trainee who will participate at least 70% of the total number of hours and committed for 25 hours a week on 5 days a week, a gross monthly allowance of €600 will be paid by the Host, also including insurance charges and INAIL contributions. It will also be the intern’s obligation to undergo the mandatory training provided by the Host Body on health and safety in the workplace. The Public Notice can be consulted on the institutional website of the Messina Social City Special Company