Piers of the port of the Lido district, management by Catanzaro Servizi


By John

“Game, match, match. If it were a tennis match, we would say this. But also the story of the piers of the third body of water in the port of Catanzaro lends itself well to the expression, given the outcome of the procedure which led to the awarding of their management to Catanzaro Servizi SpAan in-house company of the Municipality”. The city councilor wrote this in a noteRaffaele Serò.
“Thus – he adds – the first of the contributions hoped for in the policy document that the Board approved at the end of November and which had the aim of ensuring the subsidiary had an adequate scope of activity in economically sustainable sectors takes shape. Furthermore we can say – continues Serò – that ora the port is fully regulated and in a position to express its current potential, awaiting completion works which will make it one of the main development drivers for the seaside city economy. Finally, it should not be forgotten – continues the councilor – that this further and important piece guarantees just under 150 berths, which are added to the 167 existing at the piers under concession to Carmar for a total, therefore, of around 300 which, overall, constitute a concrete response that the Administration gives to the needs of our boaters. Add to this the two state-owned maritime areas which will be dedicated to hauling and launching, for a total of around 150 berths here too. In short – concludes Serò – it is worth reiterating what I already had the opportunity to underline a few weeks ago, namely that the Administration currently in office, although it could leave everything as it was, awaiting the completion of the port, did not intend however, giving up the possibility of enhancing the area by exploiting all its potential. This is to give all boaters something that has never been seen in Catanzaro before, that is, a port area capable of offering around 500 berths”.