Referendum on the single city, no wins (58%). One in four voters voted (26.01%), but the data for the capital weighs heavily: Castrolibero at 44.78%, Rende at 33.2%


By John

In the end, no wins. With a fairly wide gap (58.23% to 41.02%), but the result of the consultative referendum linked to the Law on the merger of Cosenza, Rende and Castrolibero also offers other data to be seriously analysed, especially for the city’s promoters unique. The turnout, especially in the capital, was very low: 44.78% in Castrolibero, Rende at 33.2% and Cosenza at 19.12%for a total of 26.01% (with the city of Bruzi having over 50% of the overall electorate).

The new “game”

From today a new “game” begins. Because the data offered by the referendum potentially do not slow down the merger process strongly desired by the Region but force serious reflections and reconsiderations of the methods. Because the electorate, especially that of the two smaller municipalities, was clearly exposed. And the third, the one who theoretically should have acted as a driving force, abstained (in proportion, just one voter in five voted). This is why it will be necessary to sit down and redraw the “boundaries” – it should be said – of the project, contemplating the presence of representatives of all the Municipalities at the discussion table.

The detail of each municipality


Yes: 69.48% (7406 votes)
: 29.45% (3139 votes)
Nothing: 0.82% (87)
: 0.13% (14)

Choice of naming: 0.12% (13 votes)

It makes

No: 81.43% (8674 votes)
Yes: 18.12% (1930 votes)
Nothing: 0.31% (33)
White: 0.08% (9)

Choice of naming: 0.06% (6 votes)


No: 74.54% (2726 votes)
Yes: 24.75% (905 votes)
Nothing: 0.30% (11)
White: 0.30% (11)

Choice of naming: 0.11% (4 votes)

The composition of the electorate

The electorate that was called to the polls is made up of 93,646 citizens, 54,065 in Cosenza, 31,513 in Rende and 8,068 in Castrolibero. In total there are 126 sections, of which 82 in Cosenza, 34 in Rende and 10 in Castrolibero.

The questions

In practice, there are two questions on which voters expressed their opinions in the only ballot paper they will receive at the polling stations: “Do you want bill no. to be approved? 177/XII and that a new municipality be established resulting from the merger of the Municipalities of Cosenza, Rende and Castrolibero?”. The other reads: “Which of the following names do you want the new municipality resulting from the merger of the Municipalities of Cosenza, Rende and Castrolibero to take on?”. Three options: Cosenza, Cosenza-Rende-Castrolibero and Nuova Cosenza.