Pozzolo case: Delmastro’s deposition expected today


By John

Is expected for today the deposition of the undersecretary for justice Andrea Delmastro who will be heard as a witness in the Biella prosecutor’s office on the affair of the Rosazza party, during which a bullet fired from the gun owned by parliamentarian Emanuele Pozzolo wounded a 31-year-old in the leg.

All reconstructions agree on the fact that Delmastro was not present at the time of the shot, because he was busy loading the car in the street. According to what has been learned, there should be four people in total informed about the facts who will be heard today by the Prosecutor Teresa Angela Camelio with the Prosecutor Paola Francesca Ranieri: at least two of them are Biella exponents of Fratelli d’Italia who were present at the party which ended badly .