In this video some of the main titles of our newspaper, Calabrian editions, edited by Salvatore De Maria. Below are the others that you can read in the newspaper on newsstands today
– No constraints on hiring in Calabria, a “relief” for the sick health system
– In the Vibo Valentia area, assistance does not go on… vacation with the 118 ambulances
– Infected blood given to a woman in 1972, bloodletting for the Municipality of Cosenza and for the Ministry
– New Sibaritide hospital ready by the end of 2026
Investigations and trials
– “Sartoria” investigation in Catanzaro, competitions with invented criteria to make Cascini’s ‘proteges’ win
– The hands of the Petilia clan on the Sila, 7 convictions confirmed
– Catanzaro, three appeals on the “robbery” at the vault: there is the aggravating circumstance of mafia
Bridge over the Strait
-Villa, Pd peremptory: “The Bridge is extraneous to the interests of the territory”
-Municipality of Reggio Calabria, the air of resignation begins to circulate
– Gioia Tauro waste-to-energy plant, yes or no? The answer… in a banner
– Reggio, work stopped at the Strait airport, the case risks ending up in court
– Acri, little Gabriel helped to be born in a makeshift delivery room… in the emergency room
– Catanzaro, the city as a treasure chest to be discovered
– ‘Lorenzon’ issue, Coscarella doesn’t agree: “Absurd persecution against the company”