Press review 19-12-2024 Calabria editions


By John

In this video some of the main titles of our newspaper, Calabrian editions, edited by Salvatore De Maria. Below are the others that you can read in the newspaper on newsstands today


– Surprise coup by the Calabria Region on Sacal. Yes to the capital increase in the company
– Regional Council of Calabria, yes in the commission to the stability law and budget 2025-27


– ‘Ndrangheta in Gioia Tauro: the rise of Rocco Molè jr, among rivers of drugs and… money
– Catanzaro, drugs and telephones behind bars. Former director Paravati on trial
– ‘Ndrine, extortion and vote swapping in Crotone: 16 convictions requested
– Reggio, “diploma factory” and fake certificates? The first three NOMI convictions arrive
– The condemnation of the former mayor of Petilia. He invaded the “sexual sphere” of those who had turned to him
– Capricornus trial in Catania. Cassation verdict on defendants from Locride


– Catanzaro, the poster for the holidays is ready. The unknown remains for New Year’s Eve
– The “Mediterranean Campus” in Reggio
– Cosenza, family doctors at risk… of extinction
– Symphonic Orchestra of Calabria, there are defaults: funds revoked. The Municipality of Vibo is a founding member


– Reggio, the resources of the legality fund invested for video surveillance
– Cosenza, unusable parking meters and marathon drivers
– Former medical guards, intermittent performance in the Lower Ionian Catanzaro area
– Corigliano Rossano, massacre of the pine trees in the square. Greens and WWF in the field
– Castrovillari, they pose as carabinieri to defraud two pensioners
– Without drinking water for years. Controversy at the Sibari Lakes