These are crucial days for the future of Reggina. The amaranths could present themselves to the Council of State with a new property. It will not be a decisive factor, considering that on that occasion there will be a judgment on the merits of the issues that led to the non-admission to the Serie B championship. However, it is clear how getting there with the highest possible degree of credibility represents an aspect that no one wants to underestimate.
For the past several days, major maneuvers have been underway for the transfer of ownership. Each speech is made on the basis of subordinate agreements to enrollment in the cadet championship.
Names are starting to roll around, but it’s worth noting that on the horizon a hypothetical corporate structure is being built made up of several entrepreneurial figures and at the moment it is not easy to piece together the puzzle. However, many have shown real interest and there is a concrete possibility that things will soon be defined up to the formalization of the purchase offer. The hypothesis is that in the end there may be three or four entrepreneurs who do it.
In fact, several interlocutions have already taken place between this consortium and the institutions. An important step, considering the need to ensure that Reggio Calabria can find someone who is able to guarantee solidity and a future project for their team, although negotiations and transfers fall within the sphere of competence of the current ownership of the club.
«Our task – explained the metropolitan mayor Carmelo Versace to the microphones of Radio Antenna Febea – is to ensure that credible entrepreneurs arrive in Reggio, with economic strength and a forward-looking project. Many names have been mentioned, I know them too, many have not even come out and are quite important. They would like to invest in the team and it is right to respect their silence in these hours. They will decide when to come out.”
An acceleration is expected which could lead to the closure of the issue before 29 August. The future, however, as is known, inevitably passes through recourse to the Council of State.
The other news yesterday is that the Municipality and the Metropolitan City are ready to take part in the hearing with an “ad adiuvandum” intervention in support of the amaranth company. The presence of the institutions will be aimed at making the voice of those who have an interest in supporting the club’s reasons heard, considering all the positive or negative repercussions that will arise based on the outcome of the appeal.
Reggina has always represented a heritage of great value for the economic and social fabric of the entire city and metropolitan area.
The awareness that the situation remains complex is an established fact. Furthermore, nobody wants to underestimate any eventuality that could depend on the evolution of things. In fact, if it were not possible to reverse the situation, there would also be entrepreneurs ready to lead a restart from the bottom.
The solutions in that case would already be more than one. Difficult as it is, however, today everyone is rooting for what would be a great twist on the horizon, that is, returning to play in Serie B.