He settled in Palazzo Alvaro, seat of the metropolitan city of Reggio Calabria, the ‘Technical table for the coordination of the subjects institutionally responsible for mitigating the phenomenon of coastal erosion in the metropolitan area’.
The metropolitan mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà chaired it during the first meeting, in agreement with the delegated metropolitan councilor Salvatore Fuda and the sector manager Domenica Catalfamo. Present at the first meeting were, among others, the metropolitan deputy mayor Carmelo Versace and the metropolitan councilors Giuseppe Marino and Antonino Zimbalatti.
The ‘Table’ was established, by resolution of the metropolitan mayor, last July 2024, with a specific resolution. Among the reasons are the ‘continuing worsening of the erosion phenomenon which is affecting the coastal strip of the regional territory and in particular the metropolitan one’. In the reorganization of regional and local administrative functions, the Calabria Region has delegated, among other things, to the Provinces and the Metropolitan City, the administrative functions relating to interventions to defend against phenomena of instability, including interventions for the protection of the coasts and coastal settlements, construction and maintenance of hydraulic works, in the event of absence of the subjects required to carry them out.
The metropolitan technical table is made up of representatives of: Territory and Environmental Protection sector Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria; Territorial planning-development sector – special laws – Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria; Calabria Region, LLPP Infrastructure Department, Soil Defense sector; Calabria Region, Environment and Territory Department; Southern Apennines District Basin Authority; Anas; RFI; MIT, Maritime Directorate – Captaincy of Reggio Calabria.
The purpose of the table is to identify common systems for correct and sustainable management of the coastal strip and to deal with the effects of climate change, also in compliance and continuity with the provisions of the ‘Memorandum of Understanding for the permanent regional technical table for coordination of the subjects institutionally responsible for mitigating the phenomenon of coastal erosion in Calabria’.
“This table from a political and institutional point of view – said the metropolitan councilor Salvatore Fuda – will help us to establish a dialogue between the various authorities and administrations so that the problem of coastal erosion, which is combined with that of instability and rivers, can start finding solutions. The administrations – he added – can take advantage of, and some are taking advantage of, the planning funds. However, they must not work separately, they need a single direction in order to increase their effectiveness. This Table – concluded Fuda – will coordinate and plan to give concrete answers to a territory that has numerous urgencies”. For the director of the Metropolitan City Domenica Catalfamo, the launch of the Table “Represents a starting point, to make an institutional and technical synergy effective on a matter of very high importance. The metropolitan mayor, last July, set up this table on coastal erosion and coastal protection, precisely so that this synergy could be triggered which will lead us to make interventions effective and understand what the priorities are, to intervene in emergencies . Present at the first meeting were all the representatives who in various capacities have already been included in the corresponding table established at regional level in 2021 and of which this metropolitan area wants to become an active part, because our 220 km of coastline represent a quarter of the of the regional coasts”.