“Outdoor space equipped with tables, characteristic of bars and restaurants”: we are talking about the outdoor, a French term that derives from the Latin deforis, which in linguistic evolution first became defor and then dehor, or “the outside”. Created as a place to welcome customers in the winter season, they are characterized by removable and easily removable elements that transform the space into a permanent extension of the venue, becoming true “furnishing accessories” of the context in which they are located. The delimitation and furnishing of these spaces have already seen a lively dispute between the Municipality and traders last year: now the Authority is ahead of the game and engages in the “study for the regulation of the occupation of public land for outdoor catering activities, aimed at the environmental, urban and sustainable redevelopment of the municipal territory” behind which there is the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Municipality, Superintendence of Fine Arts and Landscape for the metropolitan city and the province of Vibo Valentia, Order of architects and landscape architects.
A commitment presented yesterday morning at a press conference – at Palazzo San Giorgio – by the councilor for Productive Activities Angela Martinoby the president of the professional association Ilario Tassoneby the superintendent Fabrizio Sudano and by the delegated councilor for Green Massimiliano Merenda (the acting mayor was present only to say hello Paolo Brunetti).
«The three bodies – explained councilor Martino – engaged in a totally free collaboration on an activity of common interest, will conclude the scientific activity aimed at proposing measures that contribute to promoting a sustainable balance within a maximum of 4 months between the development needs of the urban economic fabric and a correct and modern policy for the protection of cultural heritage and landscape recovery. The inclusion of “dehors” in the city context takes on primary importance as long as the implementation of integrated projects in public spaces is ensured, guaranteeing an orderly and harmonious organization of the city so as to promote the use, including tourism, of the environment with particular protection of contexts with historical and architectural value.