Risk of poverty among under 18s in Cosenza, “implicit” dispersion skyrocketing


By John

The reports that describe the present and socio-economic future of Cosentino and the rest of Calabria are proof of the failure of the attempts of families and businesses to get out of the shallows. And the consequences are dramatic. Concern amplified by Save the Children which raises the alarm about the difficulties of Italian minors. Educational impoverishment is still suffering from the effects of Covid and distance learning, especially among minors already at a socioeconomic disadvantage. 9.7% of students with a high school diploma in 2022 find themselves in conditions of “implicit” dispersion, i.e. without the minimum necessary skills (according to Invalsi standards) to enter the world of work or university, while 12, 7% of minors don’t even graduate from high school because they abandon their studies early. And on the subject of implicit dispersion, Cosenza boasts an unprestigious eighth place in Italy, according to the vision of the report “In search of lost time – An analysis of inequalities in the provision of educational time and space in Italian schools” launched by Save the Children. A comparison with Europe is unsustainable since the incidence of school dropout, despite the progress made, in Italy remains among the highest ever after that of Romania (15.3%) and Spain (13.3%) , and is far from the target of 9% by 2030 set by the European Union.