Siarc of Catanzaro: no fraud on the State: Simona Albano acquitted


By John

The Judge of the preliminary hearing in Catanzaro, doctor Gabriella Pedefollowing the outcome of the council chamber, ruled today against Simona Albanodefended by lawyers Vincenzo Ioppoli and Francesco Iacopinosentence of acquittal with full formula “because the fact does not exist”.
In particular, according to the prosecution’s theory, Albano, in her capacity as de facto administrator of SIARC spa, committed undue compensation with the State for non-existent credits amounting to 2,771,069 euros, as well as failed to pay the withholdings resulting from the certifications issued to the replaced, for an amount equal to euro 1,452,242.98. Immediately after the investigation, the prosecutor’s office also obtained the seizure of assets worth over 4 million euros from the investigating judge.

During the preliminary hearing, Albano’s defense produced the results of the defensive investigation activity and a technical consultancy aimed at demonstrating the unfoundedness of the charges raised against the aforementioned accused. Furthermore, Albano underwent interrogation to clarify her position and, following the outcome, asked the Court to be tried in the abbreviated form.

At today’s hearing the Judge, having examined the evidence and heard the discussions of the parties, deemed the heavy accusations made against Albano to be unfounded and, disregarding the request for a sentence of 2 years and 4 months of imprisonment advanced by the Public Prosecutor, ruled in favor of the the defendant’s full acquittal sentence, as requested by the defence, also ordering the revocation of the seizure with the restitution of all the assets to the person entitled to them.