Stefanaconi, the access commission arrives at the Municipality


By John

The prefect of Vibo Valentia Paolo Giovanni Grieco arranged for the sending of the anti-mafia access commission in the Municipality of Stefanaconi, in the province of Vibo Valentia. The news of the Prefecture’s decision was given on the Facebook page of the Municipality of Vibonese. The institution is currently led by the mayor Salvatore Solanoin his second mandate and who until last January held the position of president of the Province of Vibo Valentia. Solano is under investigation in the «Petrolmafie» investigation of 2021 on charges of corruption, electoral extortion and disrupting the freedom of auctions with the aggravating mafia. Furthermore the mayor is cousin of Giuseppe and Antonio D’Amicobelieved to be exponents of Piscopio’s organized crime.

«From the public page of the municipal body – it is written in the Municipality’s post – we feel the duty to inform you that today the appointment of the commission for access to administrative documents was notified. The Commission will have to acquire the documents produced from the establishment of the current municipal administration to date. In compliance with the legal prerogatives, this decision falls within the powers that the State exercises through its bodies to ascertain whether the public administration has acted with correctness, linearity and transparency, in the exercise of its functions. As requested in the documents, in the shortest possible time, the requested documents will be provided, from which it will be possible to eloquently deduce how each act was adopted in the exclusive interest of the administered community”. «We place full trust in the institutions of the State – it is further written in the note – which have the task of ascertaining the truth according to justice and legality, which we administrators have never shirked and will never shirk. We were born as a team and as a team we will continue to stand together, certain that the honesty and moral rectitude crystallized in our administrative actions can continue to fuel the dream and commitment to the Stefanaconi community.”