The mayor-tax collector’s crusade has achieved its first objectives and a considerable load of correspondence has emerged from Palazzo dei Giurati. The hunt for tax evaders in Taormina continues at every turn and certain data has arrived relating to the IMU, one of the taxes that causes the largest shortfalls in the Municipality’s coffers.
The Mayor’s Administration Cateno De Lucatogether with the Economic-Financial Area governed by Angela La Torrehas closed the circle on the past, ascertaining an overall lack of revenue in the last five years equal to 20,630,577 euros: this is in fact the 7,020 notices sent by the Municipality to recover sums from delinquent taxpayers and we will soon see what the response will be and how much will actually be collected.
For the years 2018, 2019 and 2020, under the responsibility of the Extraordinary Liquidation Body that manages the pre-disaster accounting, 4,248 notices were sent for a total of 13,121,722 euros, of which 9,221,154 euros for tax, 2,602. 202 euros for penalties, 1,250,180 euros for interest and 48,186 for expenses. For the years 2021 and 2022, however, the Municipality of Taormina sent another 2,772 notices for a total of 7,508,855 euros, of which 5,481,700 euros in taxes, 1,585,084 euros for penalties, 410,599 euros for interest and 79,658 euros for expenses.