The launch of the Budget by the ARS with 39 votes in favor and 20 against is commented favorably by the centre-right majority which supports the government led by Renato Schifani, underlining how the provisional exercise was avoided for the second consecutive year.
Criticisms on the plan of the maneuver are instead raised by the opposition.
De Luca: “ScN abstains. In this budget a step forward on some proposals, but Sicily deserves a clear strategic vision”
During the discussion in the Chamber on the stability law, the leader of South Call North, Cateno De Luca, expressed his articulated opinion, highlighting both the limits and the positive signals that emerged from the parliamentary debate.
“This stability law today seems to be nobody’s responsibility. We, however, want to be clear: in the Budget Committee we abstained, but we cannot fail to recognize that some of our proposals were accepted”, declared De Luca, underlining how the group worked actively to introduce changes that responded to the needs of the territories.
“In this stability law, as South Calls North, we proudly claim the work done to bring to the classroom fundamental issues such as the increase in the planning fund, essential for municipalities; rewards for local authorities that improve tax collection; and support for archaeological parks through greater collaboration with local authorities,” he added.
“Of course, underlined De Luca, we cannot say that this budget contains the strategic vision of what are the critical issues of Sicily. There is this attempt to patch up some rather delicate issues, but at least some requests have managed to become legislative proposals.
“With respect to this, stated De Luca, I want to vindicate the availability of the infrastructure councilor for the planning fund, therefore a further increase which is fundamental, we mayors know this. I can only appreciate the commitment of councilor Savarino for what was a modification of the regulations on PUDM. I must also appreciate the availability of councilor Dagnino on a change of direction in the approach with the municipalities. We try to give a signal of support to the municipalities so also the Messina councilor, with regards to his delegation, we have included this reward for those who begin to do their job as mayor, to collect their own taxes. So there were many signs… We had the opportunity bipartisan to be able to write a piece of this stability law, but we cannot ignore the absence of a clear strategic vision to address Sicily’s structural problems. Patching up does not solve the underlying problems,” he underlined.
Concluding, De Luca declared: “The vote of the South Call North group will be one of abstention, as already done in the Budget Commission. Although the government did not need to open up to discussion, it chose to involve the entire Parliament in some decisions. It is a positive sign, but we are waiting to see how this method will translate into concrete actions. “
The Hon. Antonio De Luca (M5S): “Here are some of the interventions in favor of the Messina area”
“Thanks to my amendments, allocations are foreseen in favor of the Municipalities of Lipari and Nizza di Sicilia, for the Regional Museum of Messina and the stabilization of former Servirail and former Ferrotel workers at the SAS”, declares the Messina deputy.
Messina, 28 December – The financial maneuver just approved by the Sicilian Regional Assembly included a series of amendments first signed by the Hon. Antonio De Luca, group leader of the Ars of the 5 Star Movement, which concern the Messina area.
“200 thousand euros have been allocated to the Municipality of Lipari with the aim of supporting it in its work of reorganizing its accounts. A breath of fresh air for the administration led by mayor Riccardo Gullo which manages the islands of Lipari, Vulcano, Panarea, Stromboli, Filicudi and Alicudi, in order to avoid the declaration of financial collapse”, highlights the deputy from Messina.
“Furthermore, 400 thousand euros are disbursed in favor of the Municipality of Nizza di Sicilia for the purchase of a darsenification plant for water treatment. A fundamental system after recent news events which have highlighted the presence of this substance in the drinking water network in percentages higher than the limit established by law”, adds the Hon. Antonio De Luca.
“Good news also for the former Servirail and former Ferrotel workers who, thanks to an allocation of 800 thousand euros, will be stabilized at the subsidiary SAS (Servizi Auxiliari Sicilia) of the Sicilian Region. Finally – concludes Antonio De Luca – the disbursement of a further 150 thousand euros has been arranged in favor of the Accascina Regional Museum of Messina to continue with the work of securing the beautiful Villa De Pasquale of Contesse and for the restoration of access from the Via Adolfo Celi.
According to the leader of the Democratic Party Michele Catanzaro it is an «insufficient financial system, which is not enough to deal with Sicily’s emergencies and to support the many sectors in crisis with adequate measures. The PD group maintained an attitude of firm responsibility, we managed to avoid wasting resources and we prevented substantial rules from being presented directly in the chamber, since they had not been examined and evaluated in the commissions. We have worked to include at least some measures that we believe are necessary, starting with funding for public transport for pupils and disabled people, the strengthening of funds for Municipalities, the increase in the percentage of the regional budget allocated to supporting autistic people. We have also strengthened the interventions planned against the water crisis on which it was necessary to act with more tools, and inserted some useful measures to support growth, such as the reduction of interest on loans for the purchase of durable goods”.
Stefano Pellegrino, president of the regional deputies of Forza Italiaunderlines instead that «the approval of the budget by 31 December is a result of extraordinary political and administrative value, and allows the regional government, local authorities and social partners to plan their activities effectively, knowing in advance the resources and tools available. This is a clear signal of efficiency and responsibility.” «President Schifani, councilor Dagnino and the entire executive, thanks also to the excellent work carried out by the President of the Assembly Galvagno and the President of the Commission Daidone – adds Pellegrino -, have been able to create a synthesis that confirms the political direction of this legislature: attention to families and the weakest social groups, attention to the needs of local authorities, support for businesses and the productive world and stabilization of precarious workers”.
The opinion of Giorgio Assenza, group leader at the Ars of Fratelli d’Italia, was also positive: «the Budget contains important and long-awaited measures to support businesses, families and local authorities and to combat major emergencies such as the water crisis and the shortage of doctors. A significant result, achieved with Fratelli d’Italia at the forefront and with a constructive dialogue between the political forces present at the Ars thanks to the fundamental mediation work carried out by the president Gaetano Galvagno and the institutional collaboration with the president of the Region, Renato Schifani and with the Councilor for Economy, Alessandro Dagnino”. Assenza cites among the approved regulations «the funds for the mitigation of the water crisis, for desalination plants and purification plants and the measure in favor of the inclusion of disabled people in the world of work. The subsidized non-repayable loans provided for production innovation, energy efficiency and business aggregation; the reduction of interest on consumer loans and the rules for local authorities which will be able to take advantage of resources against financial distress and a specific fund for planning headed by the Infrastructure department”.
The Christian Democracy group at Ars highlights that «he has approved regulations in favor of precarious workers, the most fragile subjects, farmers who are going through an unprecedented crisis linked to drought. The government and the majority have once again demonstrated cohesion, a sign of seriousness and attention towards the needs of Sicilians.”
On the other hand, the regional deputy of the mixed group Ismaele La Vardera is critical: «I have decided not to participate in the division and I find it unacceptable that funds continue to be given only to municipalities that have ‘saints in heaven’. For example, Modica received 2 million euros, while Agrigento – the capital of culture – just over 400 thousand. This is the problem: not all municipalities benefit from funding. It almost became a friend hunt: are you my friend? Well, here’s the money. Precisely for this reason I have decided not to use in any way the ‘treasure’ of 800 thousand euros granted to each MP”. For the regional deputy of Noi Moderati Marianna Caronia «the financial law approved by the Sicilian Regional Assembly represents an important step to face the challenges of our region, with concrete measures for families, workers and culture».