The Calabria Region, at the instigation of the Single Guarantee Committee, promotes the campaign of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Equal Opportunities for the use, by women victims of violence, of the public utility number 1522.
In line with the general guidelines provided by the Department of Public Function and the Department for Equal Opportunities, as well as in collaboration with the National CUG Network, the Regional Administration has published on the home page of the institutional portal the toll-free number 1522, active 24 hours a day, every day of the year, accessible from the entire national territory free of charge, both from landlines and mobiles.
The awareness campaign aims to promote the numbers and tools against violence against women and also represents an opportunity to “show solidarity and support from institutions to women victims of violence who must not feel alone or afraid” , thus highlighting the possibility of asking for help and receiving information safely.
“This initiative – states the regional councilor for organization and human resources, Filippo Pietropaolo – is aimed at acknowledging and highlighting reports of violence against women and represents a tool for implementing gender policies regarding people's rights, equal opportunities, recognition, prevention and combating all forms of discrimination, harassment and violence, even with reference to organizational well-being and the protection of the health and safety of employees in the workplace”.
“Also as councilor for personnel policies – specifies Pietropaolo – I intended to adopt the proposal formulated by the Single Guarantee Committee of the Calabria Region, in order to implement positive and shared actions, aimed at creating a greater culture of “respect” for type”.