The felling of the “pinus pinea” in via Don Minzoni, in Rende, has revived a discussion, not only environmental but also political, which has been going on since last summer. Yesterday morning yet another situation far from being resolved. On the one hand, the committee of citizens and environmentalists who decided to raise the level of the “clash”; on the other, the almost obligatory choices of the commissioners.
Yesterday morning a public demonstration to say “no” to tree cutting. With citizens and associations also parties and movements, Francesca Cufon, Clelio Gelsomino, Fabio Liparoti, Sandro Principe and Domenico Talarico. «The municipal administration of Rende has approved an “urban regeneration” project which involves the felling of approximately 80 “pinus pinea” trees and which the undersigned, together with numerous environmental committees and associations, have highlighted to the municipal authorities who do not it was possible to proceed with the felling without having carried out suitable expertise, supported with the use of modern technologies, to verify the health and stability of the plants.
Read the complete article in the paper edition of Gazzetta del Sud – Cosenza