Another step has been taken. The council has approved the definitive project which changes the face of a property with great potential which for years has remained closed and surrounded by decay. A dark corner overlooking the seafront ready to become the new temple of culture expressed in an inclusive key. For years we have been waiting for a refunctionalisation, restoration and conservative redevelopment intervention capable of recovering the historical-cultural identity of the former Orchidea cinema. After a long gestation we change pace. Now the finish line seems close. As explained by the municipal councilor for urban planning Mimmo Battaglia who gives voice to the «satisfaction of arriving at the now near complete realization of the valorization of an important asset of the city». An operation with which to give shape «to one of the mayor’s lines of mandate Giuseppe Falcomatà, carried out by the councillor Mariangela Cama, which received a further boost from the Brunetti Council. We will most likely approve the executive project on Monday, given that the PNRR works process involves two phases. We will then send all the documentation to the Procurement sector which will call the tender. We will have to define everything by September 30th, as foreseen by the times dictated by Europe for the interventions of the PNRR”.
The intervention, included in the three-year public works plan 2023/2025, envisages a total investment of 4 million which draws on two financing channels: 500 thousand from the Pacts for the South funds and the remaining 3.5 million from the PNRR.