The “New Year’s Eve model” relaunches tourism in Reggio Calabria


By John

It will be the effect of the New Year’s Eve live on Rai, it will be the offer of new national and international flights, it will be the renewed appeal of the Strait, it will be what it will be but in these weeks the beds in Reggio are almost sold out. A boom in tourist presences which also gives hope in the future: people like the city, and not just for the Bronzes. «We are receiving many requests for New Year’s Eve, especially from Sicily, Campania and also Puglia», he confirmed in recent days interviewed by Tgr Calabria Ferruccio Spiniello of Small Hoteliers Rc.
The right way? Certainly an event like New Year’s Eve is attractive. The question to ask is how to systematize events and everything that goes around. The renewed image of Reggio, alone, cannot be enough: operators in the tourism sector say so in unison, but they are finally seeing encouraging signs.
The metropolitan city, with its new brand “Anima Autentica” promotes the territory on the buses of Milan, Turin and Bologna, while Ryanair – which won the regional tenders for the promotion of the image of Calabria – also invites of the year on the Strait. The effort, today more than ever, must be common, involving the entrepreneurial fabric, the accommodation facilities and the world of associations. Once the end-of-year “storm” has passed, with the associated increase in costs for any type of travel by plane, train or bus (those away from home who deal with the drain of the Christmas return know something about it), the offers of the airlines can represent an interesting incentive. And if Ryanair is attacking the Meloni Government right now for «the decision to increase the boarding tax for non-EU flights, defining it as «short-sighted and regressive», the decision of the Calabria Region takes on greater value which from 1 August 2024 canceled the municipal surcharge for carriers flying from the airports of Lamezia, Crotone and Reggio, which amounted to 6.50 euros for each passenger.