The port agency of Gioia Tauro operational for another 24 months


By John

Launched by the Council of Ministers, which met last December 23rd, the law decree extending the operations of the Gioia Tauro port agency by a further 24 months.
News with a bittersweet taste, unlike past years, given that the Port System Authority, the terminal operator MCT and three companies pursuant to art. 16 out of four just a few days ago announced that they had found the right solution for the establishment, by next spring, of a port company pursuant to art. 17 paragraph 5 of Law 84/94 capable of absorbing the 50 workers which still fall within the basin plus another 70 new hires, for a total of 120 employees, and which dictates the transformation from Port Agency to the aforementioned company pursuant to art. 17 paradoxically cannot happen if the first does not cease to exist.
Unless the request made by the Authority itself passes which, as explained by President Agostinelli, would allow the dockworkers to continue to receive the Ima (non-start-up compensation) until the actors involved, within a few months, fulfill all the bureaucratic procedures to be completed.
«We are following the amendment that the Government will then issue between now and 31 December – highlighted the admiral from Livorno – in the meantime, there is an agenda from the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and this is already something very important. I spoke with the offices of the Ministry and with the national secretary of Filt-Cgil, Amedeo D’Alessio. We are all behind this amendment, as much as possible, because we have asked, in the documents that the ministry then sent to the competent legislative offices, for an opinion in which it is said that those port authorities that will be able in those 24 months to establish the company, they will be able to set it up anyway.”